Long Wang
Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Fudan University
Ph.D in Real Estate Finance, National University of Singapore
Research Interest: Urban Economics、Real Estate Finance、Applied Microeconomics
Latest Publications:
1. “Impact of Transboundary Air Pollution on Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction”, (with Sumit Agarwal and Yang Yang), Journal of Economic and Behavior Organization, Vol 192, December 2021, Pages 357-380
2. “Human Mobility Restrictions and the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China”, (with Hanming Fang and Yang Yang), Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 191, November 2020, 104272
3. “Using Quantity Restrictions to Cool Housing Markets: A Within-Market Analysis”, (with Tsur Somerville and Yang Yang), Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 115, January 2020, 103189
4. “Political Connections in the Land Market: Evidence from China's State‐owned Enterprises”, (with Yang Yang), Real Estate Economics, 2021, 49(1): 7-35
5. “Interactions Between Housing Market and Stock Market in the United States: A Markov Switching Approach”, (with Ming Chu Chiang and Tien Foo Sing), Journal of Real Estate Research, 01 December 2020, 552-571